Qualified Breeders Cockapoo

Are you looking for qualified breeders of Cockapoos?

Soft, adorable and kind in nature, it makes sense to choose a Cockapoo if you’re looking to gain a new addition to your family. Whether you’re already a proud owner or are brand new to buying a puppy, we’re the only place to go when you want to buy a Cockapoo.

We focus on wonderful breeds that make wonderful additions to the family and have desirable non-low shedding coats.

We adore our puppies just as much as you will, and we instil love and confidence in all of them so that they are ready to face the outside world. Nothing beats the companionship of a dog, and we make certain that every Rosedale Doodle becomes another member of the family in their forever home. 

We believe that experience makes a difference because we were the first licenced breeder in the UK to breed Cavapoochons and the longest standing professional breeder of Cockapoos and Cavapoos.

Our philosophy is straightforward- we provide the best possible care for our breeding females and stud dogs and treat them as members of our family.

To find out about current availability, call us on 07909 232836 where we can discuss in further detail or email us on abbi@rosedaledoodles.com.


Licensed Breeders Cockapoo UK


Registered Cockapoo Puppies